
Showing posts from 2009

the secret weapon

i think we might have held back against korea that i agree with. but how do you explain the game against japan? and chinese taipei? against lebanon it is also evident that we were trying to win it. is guiao holding something up his sleeve? what is it? who is our secret weapon? cyrus baguio? oh i suppose its asi taulava. yeng might have told asi to act old. show them yer over the hill mate. i want them to see yer huffing and puffing out there. id like to be proven wrong as long as i see our country win and we advance to the fiba world. but you and i both know that i am right. thats right. WE SUCK! WE SUCK SHIT!

basketball greatness a distant memory

yup. thats right. our recent performance in the jones cup just shows where we are in world basketball. we suck!

Wake Up!

the real question is are we awake yet? i think the real wake up call was when china started dominating us. then korea with their good outside shooting. we found hope when asi, menk and danny seigle came along and nearly pulled off the imposible in busan 2002 asian games. but we still couldnt beat china. then came the middle eastern countries that used to be our whipping boys. now they are starting to take basketball seriously, realising that they have a chance at it for they have the height and the build. oh how the tables have turned. last night it was our turn as whipping boys. and it will be like that for a long time. but thats ok. it is only basketball. filipinos were born to play this right? its in our blood right? we dont have to practice or prepare for months before a tournament. jones cup is nothing more than tune up games for the fiba asia championships. we are a natural for this sport. we dont need to practice. we dont need foreign coaches. what can they teach us that we dont...

PBA wars a SHAM!

thats right. its a sham! this is the 5th straight finals that reached game 7. thats right. coincidence? i dont think so! the PBA is run by greedy corporations. the two teams fighting for the championship right now is owned by SMC. nuff said.

susan boyle

hey nice going! i was rooting for ya you know? so yer groundskeeper willy's mum? yer both from scotland. alright! this blog is tops!

gentlemen... start your egos


the secret to playing good chess

you must taunt your opponent no end. insult his mother. insult his country.
its friday! alright!

because i am a wordsmith ok?

so here is my second entry to this blog. wow! my second entry! im on a roll! not bad for "something of a failure when it comes to the craft of wordsmiths". uhuh. not bad. watch out for my 3rd entry! lots of drama and action. promise. it will be EPIC! epic failure.

Hello this is my maiden voyage

wow a blog! how do i begin? i suppose a good blog should start off with a date. so today is may 27 2009 and i am sitting in front of my laptop writing to this blog. and i suppose i should have something sensible to write about.... ok ill start a new paragraph. The... End.